HSE Health and Wellbeing have launched a new podcast series and you are invited to tune in. The HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast is now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and on the HSE Health and Wellbeing YouTube channel. This series will appeal to those interested in health and wellbeing from both a personal and professional point of view. The podcast will be hosted by HSE staff and will include interviews and insights on the work underway by HSE Health and Wellbeing and their many partners to deliver on the Healthy Ireland ambition of supporting, protecting and empowering individuals, families and their communities to achieve their full health potential.
The first episode is focussed on the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme and includes valuable insights about how implementation of this new health inequality programme is progressing, with Ger Fahy, HSE Limerick Sláintecare Healthy Community Coordinator and Mairead Carney, Sláintecare Healthy Community, Local Development Officer with Mayo County Council. The episode emphasises some of the partnership work underway between the HSE, local authorities and various community partners to target health inequalities.
The second episode is focused on Health and Wellbeing in the GAA with Colin Regan, the GAA’s Community and Health Manager who shares the background and progress of how the GAA have been supporting their clubs to become ‘Healthy Clubs’ and the ambition to have GAA clubs support their communities, by being hubs for health and wellbeing.
Upcoming episodes include a focus on Men’s Health, Tobacco Free Ireland, Social Prescribing, Alcohol etc. Episodes will be published on a weekly basis so please subscribe free on the channel of your choosing to keep up to date.