Steps to Health 2024 kicked off on the 13th of June and we had a record breaking 1117 teams register for the event.
- 8441 staff registered as part of these teams and got moving for 5 weeks with the challenge closing on Sunday 16th of June.
- A whopping 1.75 billion steps were recorded on the Steps to health platform from teams all across the country.
- Preliminary results* have shown 882 teams recording steps on week 1 with 552 logging steps for week 5 and completing out the challenge
- Team coordinators surveys this year show high satisfaction and enjoyability rates for the challenge with 98% of coordinators surveyed highlighting they would volunteer to coordinate their teams again *
“I am very lucky to have such a fantastic group. Motivation started off low for some but they all did great”
“It is one of my favourite things around staff health & wellbeing. I love being a coordinator and motivating others”.
82% of coordinators feel the challenge at 5 weeks is the right length
9 HP&I staff were nominated to lead the challenge in their regional areas this year supporting any teams across the health services who registered in their geographical area. The Steps to health platform was improved to reflect this change.
The nominated leads were overall pleased with the challenge this year. They highlighted the improvements in the Steps registration platform as very important to their work along with the stakeholder engagement at local level to promote and support the challenge. The work is seen as an important part of the staff health and wellbeing work in their CHO’s and regions.
Some feedback from HP&I staff included
“Based on feedback from some participants the Steps to Health really makes a positive impact, we had feedback on people getting back into fitness, meeting new people, losing weight, planning on walking the Camino to name just a few! As a follow up, teams can register as a Walking Group and take part in other initiatives throughout the year to keep the momentum going from the Steps to Health”
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