More than eight out of 10 farmers who participated in the Farmers Have Hearts Cardiovascular Health Programme (FHH-CHP) made lifestyle changes to improve their heart health and have reduced their risk of having cardiovascular disease, a major study of farmers’ cardiovascular health has shown. The FHH-CHP engaged with more than 868 male drystock and dairy farmers in the south, southeast and midlands over a one-year period. This involved completing a health check at the start and end of this period and engaging in cardiovascular disease (CVD) health-promoting behaviours like improving diet or getting more physical activity. The research found that over the course of one year, 81% of farmers who took part in the FHH-CHP made lifestyle changes to improve their health. The findings show that 41% of farmers improved their cardiovascular risk-factor profile. A wide array of partners were involved in the work including Teagasc, IT Carlow, UCD, HSE Health and Wellbeing, the Irish Heart Foundation and Glanbia.
Commenting on the results, lead author of the report, Diana van Doorn said:
“Farmers and agricultural workers in Ireland between 17-64 years of age are seven times more likely to die of circulatory disease than salaried employees. They are a very high-risk group for CVD with 74% of all farmers at the start of our study having four or more risk factors. It is so positive to see a large group of farmers having improved their lifestyle and their cardiovascular risk profile. We saw improvements in key areas like blood pressure, cholesterol, waist circumference, and the experience of stress for many of the farmers who took part.”
The study evaluated a health behaviour change intervention consisting of three delivery methods including:
- health coaching by phone
- M-Health (texting by mobile phone), and
- a combination of both approaches.
The report was jointly launched recently by Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), Martin Heydon, and Minister of State at the Department of Health, Frank Feighan. HSE Health and Wellbeing hosted a Masculinities and Men’s Health webinar focussing on farmers’ health which also highlighted the programme and included a presentation from Diana and a very insightful discussion on practical ways to engage farmers around their health.
You can access the research report HERE, and you can see the recorded webinar on our YouTube channel HERE.