Issue 9 September 2022

Home exercise videos for adults living with chronic conditions

HSE Healthy Eating Active Living Programme and Office of the National Clinical Advisor and Group Lead for Chronic Disease have collaborated with HSE physiotherapy colleagues to produce a series of 10-45 minute home exercise videos. These videos are suitable for people living with chronic conditions who can exercise safely at home.

The videos range from warms ups to chair exercises, to a 10 minute gentle aerobic session and also include full aerobic and resistance sessions. They are suitable for those beginning exercise or those who haven’t exercised in a while. The videos can be self-paced and done in 10 minute slots building to up to 45 minute sessions over time. They are also available for healthcare professionals to signpost to patients who they know can do these safely at home.  All the sessions have been clinically designed and approved by physiotherapists in the HSE.

The videos are also incorporated in to the Best Health adult weight management programme and the Diabetes Prevention Programmes to promote and encourage attendees on the courses to exercise safely at home. These two self-management education and support programmes are delivered by dietitians as part of the enhanced community care programme for chronic disease. Both focus on key health related behaviours including eating well, sleep, stress management and physical activity to help manage weight and health related risk factors for chronic disease.

Nollaig Blake, Community Physiotherapist based in Dublin West part of the project team said “Physical activity is one pillar in managing daily life with a chronic condition – getting moving can be a daunting task, especially if it hasn’t been part of your routine in a while. The videos are designed to start slow and build on both strength and general aerobic capacity over time.  For HSCP and HSE staff, you can trust that those with chronic conditions will have a platform to support getting active via these videos.”

To access these videos visit

For more information on the Diabetes Prevention Programme and Best Health contact your local Community Dietitian in the Community Specialist Teams.