Social prescribing is a model of care that recognises the impact of social factors such as poverty, isolation, and loneliness on health and wellbeing. It offers healthcare professionals a means of referring people to a range of non-clinical community supports that can have significant benefits for their overall health and wellbeing.
Social Prescribing Day is an annual event celebrated this year on 14th March, dedicated to raising awareness about the benefits and significance of social prescribing in healthcare. One of the key objectives of Social Prescribing Day is to showcase the diverse range of activities and services available through social prescribing. These may include art classes, gardening projects, exercise groups, volunteering opportunities, walking groups and access to community resources such as libraries and support groups. By prescribing these activities alongside or instead of medication, healthcare providers empower patients to take an active role in managing their health while fostering social connections and improving overall well-being. It’s about ‘What Matters to the Person’ rather than ‘What is the Matter with the Person’
On Social Prescribing Day, link workers, healthcare professionals, community organisations, policymakers, and individuals come together to highlight the impact of social prescribing on people’s lives.
Referrals to the social prescribing link worker come from various sources including GPs, nurses, community mental health teams, health and social care professionals, older people services, the community and voluntary sector, as well as self-referrals.
E-learning module on LinkedIn Are you a health care professional that wants to learn more about Social Prescribing? You can do this short E-Learning Module: Social Prescribing – for healthcare professionals
For more information on Social Prescribing and the All-Ireland Social Prescribing Network visit