Tobacco use is still the leading cause of preventable death in Ireland causing almost 100 deaths each week and results in significant costs to the health service in treating illness caused by tobacco.
In 2023, the HSE Stop Smoking Services engaged with over 19,000 people who wanted support to quit smoking. It follows significant investment through the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme and the Enhanced Community Care Chronic Disease Programme, which has greatly increased the availability of stop smoking services across communities in Ireland.
In addition to this, stop smoking medicines, such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) were made available for free to all those who engaged with the stop smoking service. The use of NRT products has risen by 10% in four years. These medicines have proven to significantly help people to quit smoking and those who quit using these medicines combined with the support of the stop smoking services are up to four times more likely to quit.
The HSE Quit programme recognises that smoking is an addiction, and provides clinically recommended treatments and supports to give people the best chance of giving up the habit permanently. These recommendations are outlined in the National Stop Smoking Clinical Guidelines, which were published in 2022.
If you would like more information on how to get NRT for free, contact:
- A HSE stop smoking advisor – they’ll arrange for you to get the NRT through your GP or a participating pharmacy
- The Quitline on 1800 201 203
- Your GP if you have a medical card
You can also buy NRT in pharmacies or some supermarkets.