The National Cancer Control Programme have launched the Early Diagnosis of Symptomatic Cancer Plan 2022-2025 which aims to provide a strategic, comprehensive approach to increasing the proportion of symptomatic cancers that are diagnosed at early stage disease (stages I and II) in Ireland. For many cancers, stage at diagnosis is the most important determinant of survival. To download the plan click HERE.
To compliment the plan a new Early Diagnosis of Cancer eLearning programme has been launched. Available now on HSeLanD, the new eLearning programme ‘Early Diagnosis of Cancer’ will advise healthcare staff on how to recognise signs and symptoms of cancer and refer the person to the appropriate next step in their journey to a possible cancer diagnosis. Learners can dip in and out of the programme at any time and can find it by searching for ‘Early Diagnosis of Cancer’ in the search box on HSeLanD or by accessing it through the Clinical Skills course catalogue.
Poster, leaflets and factsheets on early diagnosis of cancer are available for your use. To access these resources click HERE.