Issue 8 June 2022

Shaping a Healthier Food Environment across the health services

Over the years the quality of food in healthcare has featured in the national Patient Experience Surveys and there has been negative media coverage of food provision across health services. Action 6.13 in “A Healthy Weight for Ireland” tasks the HSE to “Review and improve the quality of food in hospitals and develop a food and nutrition policy”. There is a strong rationale for focusing on improving the food environment across healthcare settings.

Why focus on a healthier food environment in the health service?

  • For patients and services users healthcare related malnutrition is associated with adverse clinical outcomes including increased morbidity and mortality. 1 in 4 patients admitted Irish hospitals are at risk of malnutrition.  Even those identified as nutritionally well on admission tend to eat and drink less when actually unwell or injured.
  • The HSE is the largest public employer in the state with over 11,500 staff across 2,500 locations. The WHO has identified workplace health promotion programmes targeting healthy eating and physical activity as one of the best buys for staff and visitors.
  • Sustainability: The HSE spend over €40million annually on food. In 2018 food waste was costing the health service up to €11.6million per annum.

What does improving the food environment in healthcare look like?

The HSE now have a suite of nationally agreed policies, developed with input from clinicians and catering professionals within health services.  These set the standard for what food provision and food environment should look like for patients, service users and staff.  We also have tools and supports for staff working to improve the food environment across healthcare including a series of training modules on HSELanD and learning and sharing events.  Work is continuing with HBS to ensure that catering services have the capacity to purchase products and ingredients to offer healthier food choices.

On 10th May 2022 Healthy Eating Active Living programme ran a learning and sharing webinar “Shaping a Healthier Food Environment in healthcare settings”. The webinar attended by over 120 staff involved in food provision across the health services. Speakers on the day gave a strategic overview and our vision for a healthier food environment, real world examples of the Happy Heart Healthy Eating Awards reducing Food Waste in the health services and implementing the current food, nutrition and hydration policy for adult patients in acute hospitals. Special guest Chef Joyce Timmons shared experience and knowledge on pushing boundaries in healthcare cuisine.

To view the webinar click HERE.

For further information on the Healthier Food Environment click HERE.